2.4" TFT 320*240 With SD Touch Module

1、Description :
2.4-inch TFT Color LCD Module is a TFT LCD Screen Module, 40pins interface, not just a LCD break but include the Touch, SD card and Flash design. So it’s a powerful extension module for your project.

3、 Handwriting :
Module size 75 * 53mm.
There are two 3mm mounting holes and interface is spacing 2.54mm 2*20 pins.
4、Interface Definition :

5、Pin Definition :
You can switch 8/16 mode through j3 interface as following :
If you short circuit j3 interface at the back of the PCB module, then it work as 16bit mode
If you do not short circuit j3 interface at the back of the PCB module, then it work as 8bit mode
When you use the 8bit mode , the DB8-DB15 is used , please remember to pull the DB0-DB7 to GND or empty.
Please notice that It support that it can be default used as the 8 bit mode.
6、Dimensions :

7、Click to Download the TFT Document Zip
The Document Zip include as below :
* 240374PQ.pdf Screen datasheet
* ILI9325 / ILI9341.pdf Screen controller datasheet
* XPT2046.pdf Touch controller datasheet
* Spe.pdf Size of the TFT
* Interface Port.jpg Interface Port Defination
* PinOut.jpg Pin map of the 40 pins interface
* Schematic Diagram.pdf Schematic Diagram.pdf
* Test Code.pdf Test Code.pdf
* Lib_UTFT.zip Library of The TFT

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